Contact: TRUDI ANGELL, LaRecua.com, 707-888-2065
A Dozen Donkeys and a Dream!
La Recua wins award at IndieFEST Film Awards.
Calistoga, CA Aug. 7, 2021 – Trudi Angell, of Bell-Mare Productions has won a prestigious Award of Merit from the IndieFEST Film Awards. The recognition was given for Angell’s superb vérité documentary, La Recua (Rék•wah) – The Mule Pack Train, which preserves a unique facet of Old California history. The film features exceptional historical content related to early Californio merchants, cargo and trail-travel with equine. (in Spanish with English subtitles)
La Recua Critique
By: Ernesto Diezmartínez
Translation: Olivia Angell
Los Cabos 2021: La Recua
La Recua (Mexico-USA, 2021) is the opera prima documentary from the U.S.A. based tour operator of 65 years of age, Trudi Angell, whom lives in Loreto as of three decades ago, and the leatherworker of 70 springs Darío Higuera Meza, whom has a modest little ranch in the Sierra of San Francisco, in the northern part of Baja California Sur. One day, the good Darío, he of the easy smile and cascading mustache, between pills and soreness, had an idea that would only occur to a leisurely mind. Blessed idleness.
Decided, he called his friend Trudi and talked to her: why not revive the world of the muleteers, that universe, vanished over a century ago, when there were no automobiles and all Baja California was connected through the narrow roads only transited by beasts of burden? Darío knew very well of which he was speaking, although his knowledge was merely a childhood memory, for his grandfather was an authentic muleteer and would tell him about packing burros, what they would trade, which roads to take, when, and where to rest…
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