La Recua was chosen to honor Latino Heritage Month, 2023!
In October Darío flew to Alta California to attend the special presentation at the Sacramento Dept. of Natural Resources. In attendance were State Librarian Greg Lucas, Secretary of Nat. Resources Wade Crowfoot, and Dir. of State Parks Armando Quintero. Governor Gavin Newsom was duly impressed by Dario and his story!
“Wonderful job on La Recua!”
~ Robert M. Senkewicz
Prof. of History Emeritus, SCU
“Lovely. The way it flows like El Camino Real, and the essence of it …the Heart.”
~ Tracy Durlan
Artist, Todos Santos, BCS
“It is a true tribute to the region, it’s people, their culture and traditions!”
~ Xavier Breña
Trail rider
“La Recua is superb!… it manages to tell a complete story of a man, his society and culture through the journey of the Recua”
~ Paul Ganster PhD
Institute for Regional Studies of the Californias – SDSU

Trudi Angell
Dario Higuera Meza
Spanish with English subtitle
Filmed in 2018 / Completed in 2021
Mexico, Co-production – USA
86 minutes
RECUA [ rék – wah ]
Group of cargo animals.
From the arabic classic
rákbah (Caravan)
Darío Higuera Meza, a traditional saddle maker in Baja California Sur, Mexico, turned 70 in 2018. In March that year, he traveled 200 miles in 20 days by mule-back, herding a pack train of donkeys from an oasis in the heart of the Sierra de la Giganta, all the way to the capital city of La Paz. Just for the sake of history!
Fearing that the old traditions might be lost forever, he overcame hardships of health, rattlesnakes, and hot days on rocky, forgotten trails in order to honor the memory of Lower California’s “long-haul” equine merchants – the muleteers of Baja’s donkey pack-trains.

A Silver Deer Award!
Our little burritos are trotting to stardom!
This award, given annually to the best Nationally recognized documentary in Mexico, is definitely a Pluma in our Sombreros!